Gastroenterology Hospital in Faridabad

Exploring the Link Between Obesity and Gastrointestinal Disorders

it is a major health problem in the world that affects a large population of individuals. Obesity continues to increase as it leads to numerous diseases and conditions among them different kinds of gastrointestinal diseases. To tackle both these issues appropriately it is crucial to identify the relationship between obesity and these GI disorders. In this blog I will also describe the relationship between obesity and the digestive system and the four main gastrointestinal diseases that relate to obesity. We will also lay emphasis on the fact that it is always advisable to consult a physician, especially a Gastroenterology Doctor in Faridabad and then discuss about the various options of treatment .

Obesity concerning Gastrointestinal Illnesses

GERD is chronic disease that involves reflux of acid from the stomach through the food pipe, which is a muscular structure that connects the mouth to the stomach, multiple times. This backwash (acid reflux) can, in actuality, wear away the lining of your esophagus. This disease is attributable to some factors one of which is obesity whereby the excess adipose tissue causes increased pressure above the stomach that pushes the acid up in the esophagus. This is usually associated with conditions such as heart burn, chest pains and problems in swallowing.

The Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

NAFLD is a disease in which the liver becomes fatty in individuals who do not consume alcohol. We should not be surprised one day to find an obese patient for this type of patient is slowly but surely looming. The fats deposited within the liver organ cause inflammation of the tissues and gradual destruction of this vital organ; this significantly can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.However, it should be borne in mind that NAFLD is related to obesity as steatosis in the liver is entirely related with Insulin resistance which is present in obesity.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is the inflammation of large intestine and the symptoms include cramp, stomach pain and flatulent further more diarrhoea or constipation. As for the etiologies of IBS, they have yet to be established, though there is evidence that obesity may be exacerbating the disorder. This extra weight continues to exert pressure on the abdomen as well as the stomach and further escalates the IBS symptoms.

Common Cause of Gastrointestinal Disorders

Inflammatory Pathway

The chronic low-grade inflammation related with obesity increases the risk of multiple GI disorders. This inflammation is attributed to increased adipose tissue because it secretes cytokines that can modulate the gut’s function. This leads to such complications as GERD and NAFLD, in which the immune response goes on to harm other organ such as the esophagus and liver respectively.

Hormonal Influences

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Obesity also interferes with the normal hormonal functions in the body. Some of the hormones include leptin and ghrelin, which are involved in appetite control and metabolism may also be ‘jolted’ in obese individuals. These endocrine transformations affect the GI tract and can result in pathologies that include GERD and IBS. For instance, obesity increases estrogen levels which has been associated with a high risk of some GI cancers.

Physical Pressure and Mechanical Factors

Obesity to some extent influences the physical structure and thus the functionality of the digestive tract. Having excess fat also puts pressure on the stomach making it to apply force on the diaphragm thus causing GERD. Moreover, as Vidal-Puig et al. have mentioned, mechanical stress on the liver originative from accumulation of fat in the surrounding tissue can aggravate NAFLD.

Risk Factor and Complication

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Metabolic Syndrome

High blood pressure, high sugar level, extra body fat around the waist and high levels of cholesterol when in combination are referred to as metabolic syndrome and such a person easily falls prey to heart disease, stroke and even diabetes. NAFLD and GERD are GI disorders and have been reported to have a link with metabolic syndrome and obesity.

When to see a gastroenterologist

If you are now experiencing some forms of long standing complaints such as heartburn, stomach ache, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea then you should seek the services of a Gastroenterologist in Faridabad today. A person should be certain that if one gets treated in the early stages, the above mentioned conditions will not worsen.

Management Strategies of Obesity Related GI Diseases

  • Lifestyle and Dietary Changes: For the patients with obesity, the first interventions directed at the management of GI diseases include lifestyle changes and nutrition therapy. Obesity and GI issues can also be handled through a healthy diet, this involves taking balanced meals that are/core complimented with lots of fruits, vegetables , whole grain foods and lean sources of proteins. Exercise is also very important especially for its routine or consistent physical exercise. These changes may lead to weight loss, decrease of symptoms and overall enhancement of the health of patients.
  • Medical and Surgical Interventions: Some medications may be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms associated with GERD, IBS or other similar conditions and surgery like bariatric surgery may be necessary where necessary because of obesity. Laparoscopic bariatric surgery does not only help in the management of obesity, but other diseases such as NAFLD and GERD are also optimised.

Finding the Best Gastroenterology Hospital in Faridabad

Because patients searching for surgical solutions or who have serious GI issues must choose the Best Gastroenterology Hospital in Faridabad. A top hospital will be equipped with the best tools and techniques, staffed with well trained surgeons and will provide all round care to the patient. This is important in making sure that you get the best and quality treatment as per your needs.


Gastroenterological diseases is always associated with obesity, but it is necessary to know how obesity causes such diseases or just is related to them. The incidence rate of GI conditions such as GERD, NAFLD, and IBS is higher in people who are obese. It is worthwhile recognizing this link to be able to more effectively tackle these diseases. If you’ve got some GI symptoms and suffer from obesity, it is essential to turn to a gastroenterologist for qualified assistance.

Medical Sathi provides services such as Weight Loss and Gastrointestinal disease treatment for the residents of Faridabad. If you are searching for Best Liver Specialist in Faridabad or there is the requirement of any other GI disorder treatment, Medical Sathi is always with you to solve all health problems with doctors' recommendations and support.